Category Archives: rationalitate

Leibniz si problema determinismului moral

E vorba despe o prezentare pe care am tinut-o în cadrul simpozionului Rațiune, Adevăr, Fericire, dedicat tricentenarului Leibniz (1646-1716), organizat de Societatea Leibniz din Romania, Societatea Română de Filosofie și Facultatea de filosofie a Universității din București.

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Empirical actions (and some other things)

This is mainly an (yet unsuccessful) attempt to develop what I understood as a Wittgensteinean suggestion here for how we could justify claims of the form ‘I know that p’, where p describes what is happening in the speaker’s environment, by performing certain empirical actions. Since these are my personal notes, some other thoughts are intermixed. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment bellow.

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Reason, Actions, Nature

These are some notes which I wrote down in the last few months. I was thinking of writing a book, so I wrote in order to make the topic of my book a bit more clear. This is the only use of this text – to make it clear for myself what I am supposed to write about in my book. The only result of writing everything found here, which I would acknowledge, is that the title of my book should be ‘Reason, Language and Actions’. Nothing else should be taken seriously, nothing is worth mentioning etc. I did not proofread the text for grammar mistakes. If you want to take a look at it, you’re on your own.

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Random notes

There is nothing which I would claim to be true (or even acceptable) here, so I should not be quoted on any of the following lines. I wrote them down just to reflect on some topics (personal identity, responsibility, obligations, existence of God, theology of atonement, actions, intentions, reasoning, having a concept etc.) in my spare time. I am not posting these thoughts here because they could be of any use to someone else. It is just that I do not see why I should refrain from posting them here for my own use.

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In continuare despre responsabilitate

Si totusi, pentru a spune ca ma bazez pe X intr-o anumita situatie, sau ca am incredere ca X va face A, nu e suficient ca X sa fie responsabil pentru a face A (sau ceea ce ma astept sa faca in situatia respectiva). Exista, de pilda, parinti iresponsabili. Ei au responsabilitatea sa faca anumite lucruri, dar nu le fac. Cand spun ca ei sunt iresponsabili nu ii absolv de responsabilitatile pe care le au, ca parinti, ci doar observ ca sunt incapabili sa le indeplineasca.

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