Category Archives: filosofia logicii

Reason, Actions, Nature

These are some notes which I wrote down in the last few months. I was thinking of writing a book, so I wrote in order to make the topic of my book a bit more clear. This is the only use of this text – to make it clear for myself what I am supposed to write about in my book. The only result of writing everything found here, which I would acknowledge, is that the title of my book should be ‘Reason, Language and Actions’. Nothing else should be taken seriously, nothing is worth mentioning etc. I did not proofread the text for grammar mistakes. If you want to take a look at it, you’re on your own.

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La tribunal, in bucatarie si pe terenul de fotbal

Sa luam un caz simplu. Are loc o crima. Specialistii aduna evidente, le interpreteaza, pe baza lor e arestat criminalul, aceiasi specialisti depun marturie, instanta constata faptele, apoi da o decizie, pe baza acesteia criminalul isi executa pedeapsa. Nu ar fi ciudat sa privim separat doar ceea ce s-a spus in acest caz?

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Reprezentari formale ale actiunilor, destinatari, observatii lingvistice, retrageri si preveniri

Davidson reprezinta formal actiunile ca un tip special de evenimente – cele care au agenti. In Situation Semantics (vezi, de pilda, textul lui Keith Devlin, actiunile, inclusiv actele de vorbire, sunt un tip de situatii. In cercetarile din inteligenta artificiala, atat cat am vazut, modelul cel mai influent e cel propus de Hudson Turner in Polynomial-Length Planning Spans the Polynomial Hierarchy. Acolo, pe scurt, actiunile sunt tranzitii de la o stare la alta.

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