This is our second attempt (the first one is here) to select the most useful Twitter apps and Twitter related sites and to order them in a logical manner. Each item in the mindmap below is a hyperlink. Please let us know what do you think about it!

This is our second attempt (the first one is here) to select the most useful Twitter apps and Twitter related sites and to order them in a logical manner. Each item in the mindmap below is a hyperlink. Please let us know what do you think about it!
Bun venit in Romania! Cand scrii un rahat de 3 randuri, primesti 10 comentarii. Cand muncesti la un post serios, primesti o lae. Felicitari si nu te descuraja, toti am trecut prin asta.
Adica se vede ca ai muncit, asta voiam sa zic. La ce-a iesit nu ma pricep sa ma dau cu parerea.
@kompot: 10x pentru mesaj! am observat si noi la un moment dat chestia asta pe alte bloguri – posturile “muncite” nu prea primeau reactii; inca n-am inteles de ce se intampla asta; in fine…
partea mai proasta e ca situatia asta duce intr-o singura directie: de ce sa muncesti la o chestie, gandindu-te ca le va fi de folos si altora, daca nimeni nu apreciaza asta? (mai ales cand cateva bancuri porcoase “produc rezultate” mult mai bune)
What about TweetDeck? I find it has been the MOST helpful app of all in getting my arms around Twitter.
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@Bryan deSilva: TweetDeck is listed at Twitdom, which we recommended as a comprehensive Twitter apps database.
Hi guys, dont forget, one of the first mashups of Twitter in differents languages.
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