Audio adventure no. 1

Ok, you must complete the next steps one by one. All of them! 🙂 Otherwise you won’t enjoy your adventure (of course, you could still hate the whole thing even if you take all the steps 🙂 ). So,… let’s begin with step one: watch this 25 seconds clip:

You can hear the call of a scrap metal collector. She is indeed gipsy, but that’s irrelevant. The sound is quite interesing, don’t you think? So, now you’ve found your first item. What would you do with it?

Step two: Listen to this tune (you have to unzip the file first). It’s played by Jane Birkin in the seventies, but it sounds very trip-hop like. This is your second item. The purpose of this adventure might be still a bit unclear, but don’t despair yet.

Step three: Remember Gloomy Sunday? Gramo’s favorite version is this. Go there and listen to it, too, just to refresh your memory.

Now, try to imagine how all these sounds would melt together into a single tune (do it, don’t just pretend you’re doing it!).

Step four: This is the most important part. Listen to this:


This is the item you’ve been looking for. Now you can use it to unlock the cage door, get the cute little bunnies out of there and save the world by drowning them before they explode and miraculously produce a black hole.

Congrats, you’ve just completed your first audio adventure in Gramo’s world of sounds! (“Utopian Labs” is just another name used by Gramo)

14 thoughts on “Audio adventure no. 1

  1. NuStiuNimic

    Extraordinar!Mi-ai satisfacut atat de vechea curiozitate de a auzi celebrul “Fiare vechi,fiare luam!” pe o linie melodica.Adevarul e ca e plina de melodicitate strigarea asta a tigancilor , cel putin pt mine falsetul si stridenta vocilor lor sparte face toate frumusetea.Nu-ti mai zic ca la un moment dat am avut impresia ca le aud de undeva din strada in timp ce ascultam micul tau experiment.nice:)

  2. gramo Post author

    @ionuca: click pe playerul de la odeo; se deschide o pagina; de acolo poti downloada fisierul in format mp3.

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