Prima data am scris un text despre asta, dupa aia am mai adaugat niste imagini. Acum nu voiam decat sa reincalzim subiectul.
Tipa din dreapta nu e minora si nici anorexica. Adica, in fine, poate ar fi ambele daca n-ar fi statuie 🙂 Yep, statuie! In zilele noastre statuile nu se fac doar din piatra sau bronz 🙂
Ok, enough said. Pe artist in cheama Martin Di Girolamo si mai puteti vedea niste creatii de-ale lui aici si aici.
Ah, da, poza am observat-o fiindca a fost postata in pool-ul “Erotic” defined – an exploration of the concept (ala pe care il “monitorizeaza” Gramo pe blog 🙂 )
LE: Am schimbat poza care aparea initial in acest post. Daca doriti, o puteti gasi aici.
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Please, add credit to this picture.
That’s the least you can do if you use a picture without permission.
@Willie: The thumbnail above links to your picture on Flickr. We’ve assumed it’s ok to use an image with a link to the original picture, since the image was only a thumbnail and we were focusing on the artist (Martin Di Girolamo) and not the photographer (Willie).
We hope you will accept our apologies. We’ll take down the above thumbnail from our blog asap.