It's easy
now to obtain fast financing without any document or payment in advance
We can offer you this kind of financing for your purchase, to settle
your debts, open a new credit or anything else you need.
To make this opportunity a reality, we require your bank's availability
to issue International promissory notes. You'll receive the amount immediately
and you'll be free to make a half-yearly payment by installments (the
first after 12 months from the agreement), having up to 7 years at your
Interest rate could have a very interesting rate, according to your
country and your bank.
If this offer is of your satisfaction, please contact us immediately!
We remind you to send us your request complete with the amount needed,
your country, bank and officer's name: only in this way we'll be able
to promptly satisfy you.
N.B: in
order to receive an immediate and direct reply, your bank must guarantee
you, issuing International Promissory notes in favour of the foreign
We're also able to finance your projects on Stand Buy Letter of Credit
(SBLC) basis.
For more information
about our activities and us please visit our Web Sites at:
www.bsnguarantee.com and www.businessnewoffer.co.uk
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