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Fw: Reality Television (5/15/02; collection)

Cristian Ducu
Please, visit my web-page at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurie Ouellette <>
To: <>
Date: 28 martie 2002 05:41
Subject: CFP: Reality Television (5/15/02; collection)

Call for Papers for Edited Anthology

Startling! Heartbreaking! Real!
Reality TV and the Re-making of Television Culture

Contributions are sought for an edited volume examining the complex
economic, aesthetic, generic, philosophical, and cultural implications of
the recent rise of reality television.

For the purposes of this book, the editors have defined ³reality TV² as
non-fiction programming that claims to represent ordinary people in ordinary
or extraordinary ³real life² situations. (Examples include Survivor, Big
Brother, The Loft, COPS, The Real World, America Undercover, Millionaire,
Blind Date, Court TV, Temptation Island, Pop Stars, American High, Trading
Spaces, and A Wedding Story.)

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

The Political Economy of Reality TV
€ corporate synergy and concentration
€ global flow of reality formats
€ production practices
€ actors' labor and celebrity
€ publicity, cross-promotion and advertising strategies
€ new technologies

Generic Conventions and Definitions
€ visual and narrative strategies
€ the influence of documentary conventions and techniques
€ historical precedents and influences
€ the process of generic classification

Cultural Politics
€ representations of race, class, gender and sexuality
€ implications for conceptions of  ³truth² and everyday life
€ ideology and mythology
€ uses and appropriations of the ³other²
€ voyeurism and surveillance

Audiences and Reception
€ viewing practices and contexts
€ fan communities
€ comparative studies of audiences in an international context
€ demographics
€ media and popular discourses

Please email a one to two page proposal and brief vitae by May 15, 2002 to:

Laurie Ouellette            or                  Susan Murray
Assistant Professor                             Assistant Professor
Journalism & Media Studies                      Culture & Communication
Rutgers University                              New York University                     

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: