No, not really. You just cannot login to Skype at the moment. See an announcement here. They say nothing about how long they think it would take to solve the problem, but at least we know what’s happening.
p.s.: Just a thought. If you’re logged to Skype already and you can make and receive calls, perhaps you should just stay like that. If you sign out you will not be able to sign in again. Yes, it happened to us. 🙂
UPDATE: Skype is back. We did manage to sign in and call each other right now. 10x, Skype ppl! Btw, the new Skype for Linux (1.4) looks very quite good.
UPDATE2: Well, it’s not over. 🙁 On Windoze XP the Skype client disconnected again. The one running on our other computer (same network, same ip, only this runs Linux OpenSuse 10.2) is still working, though.
They say it might still take 12 to 24 hours before you can use Skype properly again. We don’t use their paid services, so we won’t complain about it, but that doesn’t mean that you should necessarily keep your mouth shut. 🙂
@Dirk: Well, there are still about 900,000 ppl online, aren’t they? 🙂
@Werner: Yeah, those nasty Eastern Europeans again! 🙂
@Matt: You’re right about Skype still having problems. However, wasn’t Skype called a Peer-Server-Peer application, instead of P2P?
@Max: Indeed, it happened like you say with our Skype client on Windows 🙁 Strangely enough, the linux client is still working (making and receiving calls).
I was able to login for a minute. The user count at that time was only ~400,000 compared to the count yesterday (And days before) at ~8,000,000..
I hope they fix this problem soon because i actually paid for skype pro 🙁
yes im on windows version of Skype, im in the united kingdom, ive had skype offline here since approx 2:00pm today this is a pain as i use skype for incoming and outgoing phone calls so im currently unable to contact anyone… which is abit of a pain…
hi there ive found a way to get onto the network using windows skype i have had to set the machine running skype so that its the dmz on my network ie so that it is not sitting behind the dmz on my router… Im wondering if they are introducing some new ports on skype, because of this skype clone which is ment to be out there, i will investigate this further and let you all know. hope i can help someone here… how i have the skype machine set right now is not ideal but at least im back online…
Great find, good info, we’ve just spent the last two hours restarting and changing settings on our new router!!!!!
First time we’ve used Skype with it….ah so it’s not us, thats good to know!
Arrgh.. I have been using skype for my IM, this sucks. At least I have jangl and jajah accounts for voice calls.