1. Two Georgians Went to War but Never Got to Fight, The NewYork Times
2. Social Media Exposes the Corporate Psychopath, technewsworld.com
3. Cows have animal magnetism, news.com.au
Best Video: Rappin’ about CERN’s Large Hadron Collider!
1. Two Georgians Went to War but Never Got to Fight, The NewYork Times
2. Social Media Exposes the Corporate Psychopath, technewsworld.com
3. Cows have animal magnetism, news.com.au
Best Video: Rappin’ about CERN’s Large Hadron Collider!
Ma uitam ieri la pustanii care defilau prin Tiraspol de ziua independentei. Povestirea celor doi georgieni s’ar potrivi manusa oricaruia dintre copiii aia cu cosuri pe fata si haine de camuflaj. Si era vorba inca de grupurile de elita, calificate sa dea onorul la drapel de fata cu toata naiune. Restul…
Dar le vom povesti pe toate, la vremea lor!