OpenSUSE 10.3 is based on the linux kernel and the GCC 4.2 compiler. Among the new things that come with this OpenSUSE distro you will find: KDE 3.5.7 (plus some parts of KDE 4), GNOME 2.20, a GTK version of YaST, a new 1-click-install technology, MP3 support out-of-the-box, new and redesigned YaST modules, compiz and compiz fusion advances, virtualisation improvements (with Xen 3.1 and VirtualBox), 2.3 and a lot of other things.
They also say openSUSE 10.3 has improved support for some devices, a much shorter boot time and (alas!) a better package management. Read more here (and here), download it from here or use this torrent link directly, if you have a 32bit PC and want to install (or update from openSUSE 10.2) from a DVD.