OpenSUSE 10.3 GM released today

OpenSUSE 10.3 is based on the linux kernel and the GCC 4.2 compiler. Among the new things that come with this OpenSUSE distro you will find: KDE 3.5.7 (plus some parts of KDE 4), GNOME 2.20, a GTK version of YaST, a new 1-click-install technology, MP3 support out-of-the-box, new and redesigned YaST modules, compiz and compiz fusion advances, virtualisation improvements (with Xen 3.1 and VirtualBox), 2.3 and a lot of other things.

They also say openSUSE 10.3 has improved support for some devices, a much shorter boot time and (alas!) a better package management. Read more here (and here), download it from here or use this torrent link directly, if you have a 32bit PC and want to install (or update from openSUSE 10.2) from a DVD.