Weirdest anime ever: Dokuro Chan

Dokuro Chan only had 8 episodes, broadcasted in 2005, with a TV show being made of two episodes at a time, so there were 4 TV shows in all.

If you’ve already seen Haibane Renmei, then you know that Japanese angels differ a lot from those described by Christian religion. But this is not the only disturbing thing about Dokuro Chan, i.e. an angel who clubs a boy to death several times a day just because she likes him.

So, if you’re easily offended or just have a poor sense of humor, maybe you shouldn’t watch this miniseries. If you want to give it a try, however, you can see it on Veoh. Here are the links (sorry, there is still no way we could embed movies in a hosted blog yet):

First TV episode (original episodes 1 and 2)
Second TV episode (original episodes 3 and 4)
Third TV episode (original episodes 5 and 6)
Forth TV episode (original episodes 7 and 8 )

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