Asta e unul dintre filmuletele noastre preferate:
Mai era o versiune pe YouTube, dar ne-am gandit ca poate versiunea noastra o sa fie de calitate mai buna. Daca vreti sa vedeti si alte filme de scurt metraj facute de Jan Švankmajer, poate va ajuta lista de mai jos.
- The Last Trick (1964)
- JS Bach – Fantasy in G Minor (1965)
- A Game with Stones (1965)
- Punch and Judy (1966)
- Et Cetera (1966)
- Historia, Naturae, Suita (1967)
- The Garden (1968)
- The Flat (1968)
- Picnic with Weissman (1968)
- A Quiet Week in the House (1969)
- Don Juan (1969)
- The Ossuary (1970)
- Jabberwocky (1971)
- Leonardo’s Diary (1972)
- The Castle of Otranto (1979)
- The Fall of the House of Usher (1980)
- Dimensions of Dialogue (1982)
- Down to the Cellar (1983)
- The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope (1983)
- Virile Games (1988)
- Another Kind of Love (1988)
- Meat Love (1988)
- Darkness-Light-Darkness (1989)
- Flora (1989)
- The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia (1990)
- Food (1992)
aaa .. astea sunt scaunele de la facultatea de filozofie din bucale ( doar cam “antichizate” )