EEE PC Games

Robotfindskitten: You are a robot. You must find a kitten. This would be simple if it were not for various other things which are not kitten. To check whether a thing is kitten or not you must touch it. It might be kitten, but then again, it might be something else, ranging from a milk carton to a black hole. This is a zen game. For the console.

Crossfire: A good old mmorpg in 2d. You get to fight a few beasts before you die. And that’s about it. But then again, where else do you find game servers with only 3 players online? Really, if you are a bit of a sociophobic, then this is your kind of game.

Groundhog: A puzzle game where you have to put different coloured balls back to their original cups (having the same colours) by using some pipes. Ok, here is a pic:

Mirrormagic: You have a wizard who shots out a laser beam and a few gnoms (some of which you can control) who deflect it under various angles using mirrors. To solve a level you have to destroy stuff, turn on some light bulbs and things like that. This one is quite challenging.

4 thoughts on “EEE PC Games

  1. flu

    Robot finds kitten. Then robot finds enlightenment.
    A. Then robot seeks no more?
    B. Not looking for that. Leave it there. Robot was actually looking for a 2nd kitten.

    Joc bun pentru ora 3 🙂

  2. PC Games

    Cool games. Thanks for the link to CrossFire, it takes me back to the original MMORPG that were just text based like 3 Kingdoms etc. Wasted half my uni life on that one.

  3. mmorpgs

    Amazing how you were able to search for EEE PC games. I actually love puzzle games. They seem not to bore me at all. Will try Groundhog soon. Thanks.

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