Way Too Cool: Doisneau’s Choppers :)

We liked this one mainly because it looks like a blogger’s pic. Perhaps Doisneau was a bit of a blogger (avant la lettre), getting out in the streets of Paris and waiting for interesting things to happen arround. 🙂

You can read more about Doisneau (yes, he’s a famous French photographer, his most popular pic is probably The Kiss) and watch more of his art here.

5 thoughts on “Way Too Cool: Doisneau’s Choppers :)

  1. Turambar

    Vazand pe site-ul oficial atatea poze cu saruturi, si gandindu-ma la constipatia conformista a acelor vremuri, m-am gandit si eu ca trebuie sa fie staged.

    Dar indiferent de caracterul lor spontan sau regizat, pozele raman o mare bucurie. Mersi, Gramo (da, stiu: personaj colectiv, precum coru antic si galeria Steaua 🙂 ) pentru this tip. Mi-a placut atat de mult, incat mi-am permis sa postez si eu niste Doisneau. Ce-i frumos, si altui blogger ii place 🙂

    🙂 :angel:

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