We liked this one mainly because it looks like a blogger’s pic. Perhaps Doisneau was a bit of a blogger (avant la lettre), getting out in the streets of Paris and waiting for interesting things to happen arround. 🙂
You can read more about Doisneau (yes, he’s a famous French photographer, his most popular pic is probably The Kiss) and watch more of his art here.
Elicopterele par sa fie SA 321 Super Frelon 🙂
Ioi, cat e de frumoasa poza cu The Kiss!!! Acum ma uit si la celelalte. Thank you, guys!
i’m confused. do blogger’s pics look a certain way?
Doisneau, “waiting for interesting things to happen arround”? Ha, ha, you’re so romantic. OK, The Kiss is very good and so is the picture posted above, but they’re not spontaneous. For The Kiss, see here http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4481789.stm
Vazand pe site-ul oficial atatea poze cu saruturi, si gandindu-ma la constipatia conformista a acelor vremuri, m-am gandit si eu ca trebuie sa fie staged.
Dar indiferent de caracterul lor spontan sau regizat, pozele raman o mare bucurie. Mersi, Gramo (da, stiu: personaj colectiv, precum coru antic si galeria Steaua 🙂 ) pentru this tip. Mi-a placut atat de mult, incat mi-am permis sa postez si eu niste Doisneau. Ce-i frumos, si altui blogger ii place 🙂
🙂 :angel: