Photography Trip

Labelling Joel-Peter Witkin’s photographs as NSFW would not be un understatement, but rather a bad joke.

Having this in mind, then, you may or may not like to view some of his more recent work showing at the Catherine Edelman Gallery (here, here and here). It’s your choice.

Other photographers (presented at the same art gallery) that we liked were Roger Ballen, Terry Evans, Herman Leonard, Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison and Rocky Schenck, but you may have different artistic tastes, so perhaps you should visit the other artists featured there as well.

4 thoughts on “Photography Trip

  1. alecs

    ma face sa ma gandesc la un dali dus un pic mai aproape de limita. nu stiu exact care limita. nu e chiar grotesc, iar compozitiile sunt foarte bine structurate. aluzia la grotesc este insa de domeniul sublimului. nu stiam despre acest personaj, so… thanx 🙂

  2. gramo

    @alecs: you’re welcome! 🙂 credeam (nu mai conteaza de ce) ca witkin e la fel de cunoscut ca si mapplethorpe 🙂

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