Hello Kitty – Bad or Good?

Hello Kitty is more than a popular fictional character. It’s even more than a trademark. For certain people out there, HK is a way of life. So we wanted to toy a bit with the question ‘Is HK good or bad?’

Yes, she’s sooooooo cute and funny and she’s a cult item and just so cute and you can’t but love her. Still,… couldn’t you be wrong?

Some say Hello Kitty was created by stealing the image of Musti which, in its turn, was coppied after Miffi. If this is right (and it seems to be), then Hello Kitty is an identity thief.

We don’t, however, want to enter a boring debate on who’s fault this is – HK’s for stealing Musti’s identity or Musti’s, for being just as much an identity thief with respect to Miffi. Regardless of Musti’s fault, HK has stollen somebody else’s identity, and that is wrong.

That aside, other people have pointed out that some Hello Kitty products are a bit awkward (to say the least).

While the photo at the left is a photoshopped parody (found on the internet on an adult gay blog, so you go outside the link included here to rightfully provide the source of that image at your own risk), the HK range of merchandise (which, mind you, was initially sold to pre-adolescent girls) actually include Hello Kitty toilet paper, Hello Kitty condoms, Hello Kitty vibrators (sold as shoulder massagers) and some rather strange looking Hello Kitty children underwear with “Juicy and Sweet” written on the crotch, right under the question “Want a bite?”

Now, it’s not Gramo’s manner to be playing the moralist, but we must confess that after having learned of the above mentioned products we were a bit intrigued. And then we saw this:

[source: Japan Gizmodo]

At that point, the answer to our question was clear: Hello Kitty is evil. Her soul is extremely small, dark and full of murderous intents. Had she a mouth, she would show us a nasty grin for the most of the time, interrupted only by a cynical smile: “if you’re stupid enough to buy this stuff, then you deserve your Hello Kitty way of life.”

4 thoughts on “Hello Kitty – Bad or Good?

  1. gramo

    @Monica: loooooooool! πŸ™‚ you’re still far from a HK way of life, though πŸ™‚

    @Kay: had you paid more attention to Gramo’s post, you might have noticed that we’ve already provided a link to kittyhell.com. πŸ™‚

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