Chemistry can be fun too

Have you ever heard of Bastardane, Cummingtonite, Putrescine, Cadaverine, Spermine and Spermidine, Dickite, Moronic Acid, Fukalite, Fucitol, Vomicine, Arsenolite, Crapinon, Periodic Acid, Psicose, Pubescine, Spamol, or Diabolic Acid?

Perhaps you are more familiar with Clitoriacetal, Vaginatin, Urospermal, Buccalin, Clitorin, Constipatic Acid, Sepulchrate and Sarcophagene, Cacodyl, Furfuryl Furfurate, Erectone, Cucurbituril, Mucic Acid, Coproverdine, Labradorite, or maybe with Fartox?

No? Are you sure? Well, they are well-established chemical substances, and these are their actual names. Really. If you want, you may learn more about this stuff here.

2 thoughts on “Chemistry can be fun too

  1. b0gdan

    Ca tanar inginer chimis, stiam de substanctele astea… Povestire funny, patita de a mea mama cand era studenta la Chimie..

    Au lucrat ei in laborator ceva ore cu Putersceina si Cadaverina (nume extrem de sugestive, nu???) in cantitati foarte concentrate si au plecat spre camin… toata grupa… cu autobuzul.

    La urmatoare statie a coborat toata lumea. Inclusiv soferul.

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