Funny puzzles you might never be able to solve

If you like puzzles, you might be puzzled by this sort of enigmas. You are given a weird story (sometimes there are only a few words) and you must come up with the explanation of what happened. Example:

A man is dead in a room with a small pile of pieces of wood and sawdust in one corner.

Believe it or not, the correct answer is something like this:

The man is a blind midget. For various reasons too complicated to go into, someone else has been sawing small pieces off of his cane every night, so that every day he thinks he’s taller. Since his only income is from being a circus midget, he decides to kill himself when he gets too tall.

(Variant answer: instead of sawing pieces off of his cane, someone has sawed the legs off of his bed. He wakes up, stands up, and thinks he’s grown during the night.)

Granted, you might give up soon on trying to solve such “puzzles”. But the whole thing is quite funny, so you may give this page a visit (the link to the answers is at the bottom of the list).

2 thoughts on “Funny puzzles you might never be able to solve

  1. Kay

    Hm. Tare simpatica povestirea. Dar ce nu inteleg eu este de ce ala este raspunsul corect. In sensul ca pot fi probabil zeci de mici povestiri care sa explice respectivul rezultat (desi poate less funny). Care este criteriul de departajare? (pt ca mie una nu mi se pare ca o explicatie care incepe cu “the man is a blind midget” este cine stie cat de buna, mi se pare un fel de manipulare a rezultatului; as prefera o explicatie cu un om punct)

    Inca n-am vazut site-ul dar ma gandesc ca ei zic ceva de genul “exista o singura varianta de poveste plauzibila care sa duca la acel rezultat”. Dar oare chiar este asa? (din nefericire imaginatia personala isn’t up to the task dar parerea mea este ca nu)(dar probabil ma insel 😛 )

  2. gramo

    bineinteles ca pot fi imaginate si alte povestiri: omul lucreaza in armata; spionii vin acasa la el si incearca sa-i smulga un secret important; ca sa il constranga, ii taie, bucata cu bucata, lingura de lemn – amintirea cea mai pretioasa pe care o avea de la sotia lui decedata; dupa plecarea spionilor, distrus, se sinucide.

    alea nu sunt de fapt puzzle-uri; un puzzle are o singura solutie corecta – nu poti aranja piesele de puzzle in mai multe feluri pentru a obtine imaginea de pe cutia jocului. 🙂

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