Jocul cu “Gramo likes to”

Am vazut pe la multi bloggeri jocul asta. Am inteles ca e asa: pune “X likes to” in gugle, unde X e numele tau, si scrie ce iese.

Unfortunately, nu apare nimic daca dam search cu “Gramo likes to”. Asa ca am luat-o pe rand. Gigi e de obicei tipa, eventual catzelusa (asa se explica de ce ii place sa linga pietre + alte chestii 🙂 ). Ramona e o pisicuta care apare pe site-ul Caturdays, un soft de IA si o fetita curajoasa. Here we go:

Gigi likes to roll rocks around, lick them, and collect them in little piles…
Gigi likes to sit on the upper limbs and groom herself.
Gigi likes to take pictures…… lots of pictures.

Our great friend Gigi likes to tell us stories when is quite drunk…
Gigi likes to pretend her food is alive sometimes.
Gigi likes to get all dressed up, girly girl that she is.
Gigi likes to write poetry and short stories and is a strong advocate of people with disabilities.

But I don’t think Gigi likes to take a shower. 😉

Ramona “likes” to direct the conversation in certain predictable ways.
Ramona likes to think she’s a fearless first-grader, but her bravery is put to the test at every turn.
Ramona likes to think that shes fearless and brave because she had to face a german shepard.
Ramona likes to be different, which perplexes and then infuriates her unsympathetic teacher.

Ramona likes to be called Ramona Q.
Ramona likes to talk about her “miracle baby.”
Ramona likes to chew on her bacon flavored glow-in-the-dark plastic fish.

Ramona likes to burn off some energy with other boxers.

5 thoughts on “Jocul cu “Gramo likes to”

  1. gramo

    @Eduard: da, am vazut, tare! 🙂

    @vio: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!! We’ll envy u 4 the rest of our lives!!!!! 🙂

    @stefantalpalaru: loooooooooool! 🙂

    Mama Nintendo, supervrajitoare cu mare latime de banda (T1): “Ghicesc in gugal si in dig, dau de deochi in mesengher si dezleg cununiile de pe mirc!”

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