Listen to Gypsy Punk Band Gogol Bordello

Yes, they are cool and sound (at least) interesting and they even have a (not so often updated) blog.

You can listen free to some of their tunes on their official site (click here). Gramo did also enjoy their sample tracks at emusic (click here).

It is thanks to Luiza that we’ve found out about them, anyway.

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6 thoughts on “Listen to Gypsy Punk Band Gogol Bordello

  1. gramo

    @moniK: errrrr, nu stiam sursa si d’aia am zis ca e zvon; acum am vazut ca a aparut ceva si la igu, dar acolo nu e data ca stire sigura.

  2. flippy

    da da da… gogol bordello. eu i-am auzit prima oara acu’ doi ani, cind am vazut un film care se cheama evertything is illuminated, in care era eugene hutz, vocalul trupei, alaturi de elijah woods, care, surprinzator, nu era hobbit. filmul e precum ciocolata amaruie: intii te amaraste un pic, iar rasplata o primesti la sfirsit, aromata cit sa nu-ti provoace senzatie de respingere. iar muzica s-a potrivit ca o manusa. eu astept sa-i vad la timisoara, la sfirsitul lui august, la festivalul international de arta rroma. inca nu erau batute in cuie toate detaliile, dar mai e timp.

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