Second Life Virtual Child Pornography May Be Banned in Netherlands

Virtual sex performed using child-like avatars in Second Life ecourages child abuse, so it should be punnished by law, said a Dutch public prosecutor on Wednesday, Reuters informs.

Perhaps the problem is not that the people involved cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. They surely can. The problem could be that the respective acts are public, thus leaving open the possibility to be misunderstood.

Would this drive more people to buy private islands and create clubs with restrictive access? We’ll see.

3 thoughts on “Second Life Virtual Child Pornography May Be Banned in Netherlands

  1. lickido

    e superdeprimanta pornografia pe avataruri virtuale. nu se poate trai in ea. in rst, discutia teoretica daca incurajeaza sau nu, daca cannot distinguish f/r ma lasa rece, adica nu incalzeste cu nimic oricum.

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