If you’ve found this blog among the top blogs on the unfiltered wordpress and you feel puzzled, here is an explanation. Altought it is written almost exclusively in Romanian, Gramo’s World had its short moments of glory (like when it was boingboinged, for instance 🙂 )
However, Gramo faces a different challenge now. One of the contributors here is a university professor and was spotted posting a few pics representing personal photo-memoirs from the last summer. Pics in which he appears together with his lover (and wife). Oh, needless to say, they wear no bathsuits, since they are well-known nudists.
Why did they post their pics here? To start a public debate about Eastern-European hypocrisy and fake Victorian morals? Yes, that too. To have some nice and peacefull and friendly memories to show to their unborn child? You bet! To embarrass the academic institution one of them is working for? No way!
Now they are seriously harassed by the ex-communist scandal tabloids in Bucharest and their life is turning to a living hell. Is this the civilized world we proud ourselves we live in? You decide for yourself!
We submit our story to the judegement of the international blogosphere. And yes, maybe we were careless and wrong, but we don’t deserve to be treated like criminals. After all, we’ve done no harm to no one.
We will very soon have a local authorithy dealing with this !
Please, please, please! Don’t let this s**t get to you! Especially gramo-girl. You know, the baby feels what you feel. You don’t want him to be sad, right? We are all beside you with all our hearts!
10x ppl! we try to do our best; we try not to hate anybody; we try to be cool; we hope we won’t have to do to others the favour you are doing to us 🙂
I’ve posted a small sketch on my plan on the blog 😉
hey the good thing is everybody’s on your side (plus the article’s shitty in form and content.)
i really hope the college dean or whoever is entitled to make a decision is not the “head-in-ass” kind of person 🙂
i’ve checked with a few friends of mine who are your students, and they say you’re a great person and teacher
i’m sure things will turn out ok. good luck and a stressless pregnancy to come for the gramo-girl 😀 !!
C`mon … think free … and open your mind! Don`t mind the little bashful -looking for sensational- bitches
Great idea, to adress to the international blogo-sphere! 😛 Maybe something would be changed and, believe it or not, there are still communist mummies in Romania. I only hope that not among us. That’s why everybody supports you! Go go go! Now chill and rub that belly. Good luck. 🙂
Stimate Domnule Stefanov,
Vorba dumneavoastra: ‘ Am vrut sa zic exact ce am zis si nimic altceva’.
si again vorba dumneavoastra:
“Is this the civilized world we proud ourselves we live in? You decide for yourself!”
Da’ linku’ ala spre blog nu trebuia sa fie in fil. unibuc.
Oricum, pacat de circ, pacat de facultate si pacat de dvs. Si pacat de penibil in genere
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@an ex-student: cred ca un raspuns la ce spui se gaseste aici, la UPDATE8
Good PR stunt – the interview. Should have been applied earlier, though. You could have made a crisis cell…although the Gramo crisis cell would have been comprised of…Gramo 😀
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