Jurnalul unei femei insarcinate (3)

[primele inregistrari din jurnal sunt aici si aici]

No words this week, just pics. Scrisesem, oricum, ca urmeaza un “pictorial de gravidutza” ๐Ÿ™‚

Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by images of partially naked pregnant women, don’t click on “more” (instead of doing that, perhaps you could crawl back to the cave you were coming from ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

UPDATE: Here is a great post that inspired us to take these pics.

12 thoughts on “Jurnalul unei femei insarcinate (3)

  1. sofistul

    wow thats nice!
    I mean when you showed pictures with yourself naked on the beach you were like: doh! we were on the beach, the sun, the sea,the nakedness.lets remember that special feeling.but now there is no circumstance for being naked in front of the camera unless you want to have some semi-naked pictures of you, and eventually to post them on your blog… which is good..which is good ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ioana Sima

    Intotdeauna mi s-a parut ca femeile cand sunt insarcinate devin mai frumoase… Fosta mea profesoara de romana din liceu trebuie sa nasca zilele astea si cand am vazut-o ultima oara pur si simplu radia, avea ceva special, ce nu se poate descrie in cuvinte. Nasterea e cel mai frumos si pur lucru din viata unei femei. Si atunci cand ai un barbat alaturi care sa te sprijine si sa te consoleze atunci cand iti este rau, parca nu iti mai trebuie altceva. in viziunea mea cel putin. Nu stiu cum e, am visat de vreo doua ori ca eram insarcinata si era un sentiment de nedescris…emotie combinata cu fericire…
    Congratulations! Astept cu nerabdare poze cu burtica si mai mare ๐Ÿ™‚

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