Ce mi-a placut la Bienala Tinerilor Artisti. Premiile mele

Originalitate: Lala Rascic “The Invisibles”; curator Oana Tanase. Viata unei familii invizibile – desene si performance. Lala Rascic spune “you are you” si eu intreb “how can you say <you are you> when you are invisible?


Inventivitate: Mattias Deumlich , “The Flying Ships”; curator Irina Grabovan

SF – viitorul altfel: Will Duke, “We fashioned the city on stolen memories”, 2005; curator Jenny Brownrigg

Din proiectul “I am a stranger to you as you are to yourself”, curator Branko Franceschi mi-au placut toate lucrarile.

Inspiratie si singuratate: Borjan Zafirovski, 2002,”The Portrait of the Young Artist in the Twenthiefirst Century”


Agresivitate si alienare: Alejandro Vidal, 2005, “Conflict, Modern Pathologies and Tactics of Disappearance”


Umanism si autenticitate: Kader Muzaqi, 2005, “Balkan is Different”


Bonus: mansarda casei Bratianu, locul unde odinioara se odihneau servitorii si servitoarele

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