Baza de date cu filme

Gramo s-a apucat sa isi organizeze cd-urile. Pentru asta si-a instalat serverul de MySQL, a facut o baza de date in MySQL (knoda de la kde e un instrument foarte bun pentru asa ceva), iar apoi a facut doua scripturi in Perl (nici un gramo nu stie php 🙂 ) – unul pentru consultat baza de date si altul pentru introdus inregistrari noi in baza de date. Scripturile genereaza cod HTML si pot fi incarcate in browser, in reteaua locala 🙂 )

pentru adaugat cd-uri in baza de date, de pilda, Gramo a facut mai intai o pagina HTML care contine, in principiu, un simplu formular cu mai multe campuri; valorile din campurile respective sunt trimise (cand se da click pe submit) scriptului Perl, care arata cam asa:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=cduri;','root','', {'RaiseError' => 1});

my $cod = param('cod');
my $loc = param('loc');
my $titlu = param('titlu');
my $tip = param('tip');
my $contine = param('contine');

$dbh->do("INSERT INTO cduri (cod, loc, titlu, tip, contine) VALUES ('$cod', '$loc', '$titlu', '$tip', '$contine')");


print <<END_OF_HTML;

Content-type: text/html
#iar aici e creata on the fly o mica pagina care foloseste
#pentru a reveni la pagina care contine formularul,
#pentru introducerea unei noi inregistrari


baza de date se cheama “cduri”, tabelul principal se cheama la fel (de aia apare aceeasi denumire la INSERT INTO), elementele tabelului si cele ale formularului html au denumiri identice (cod, loc, titlu etc.)

iar acum iata o varianta prescurtata a listei cu primele 200 de cd-uri cu filme:

cod loc titlu
v1 vid1 box Natural born killers cd1
v2 vid1 box Natural born killers cd2
v3 vid1 box Trainspotting
v4 vid1 box Gone in 60 seconds
v5 vid1 box The Truman Show
v6 vid1 box Portocala mecanica
v7 vid1 box 101 Dalmatians
v8 vid1 box Lion King cd1
v9 vid1 box Phenomenon; Op Condor
v10 vid1 box A Bugs Life
v11 vid1 box Bandits
v12 vid1 box Prince of Egypt
v13 vid1 box Pulp Fiction
v14 vid1 box Amelie cd1
v15 vid1 box Amelie cd2
v16 vid1 box O Brother, Where Art Thou
v17 vid1 box Girl Interrupted
v18 vid1 box What Women Want; Lion King cd2
v19 vid1 box Swordfish
v20 vid1 box Leon
v21 vid1 box Joan of Arc cd1
v22 vid1 box Joan of Arc cd2; Antz
v23 vid1 box One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
v24 vid1 box Pisica alba, pisica neagra
v25 vid1 box eXistenZ
v26 vid1 box Final Fantasy – The Spirits
v27 vid1 box America’s Funniest Moments
v28 vid1 box No Man’s Land
v29 vid1 box The Usual Suspects
v30 vid1 box From Dusk Till Dawn
v31 vid1 box Total Recall
v32 vid1 box American Beauty
v33 vid1 box Chocolat CD1
v34 vid1 box Chocolat CD2
v35 vid1 box Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barells
v36 vid1 box American History X
v37 vid1 box Stuart Little
v38 vid1 box Reservoir Dogs
v39 vid1 box Southpark – The Movie
v40 vid1 box The Neverending Story
v41 vid1 box Bait cd1
v42 vid1 box Bait cd2
v43 vid1 box Arizona Dream cd1; Jackass cd1
v45 vid1 box Eyes Wide Shut cd1
v46 vid1 box Eyes Wide Shut cd2
v47 vid1 box Full Metal Jacket
v48 vid1 box The 5th Element
v49 vid1 box Matrix
v50 vid1 box Planet of the Apes
v51 vid1 box Freddy Got Fingered
v52 vid1 box The Aristocats cd1
v53 vid1 box The Aristocats cd2
v54 vid1 box The Lady and the Tramp I
v55 vid1 box The Big Lebowsky
v56 vid1 box Fight Club
v57 vid2 box Snatch
v58 vid2 box Kiss of the Dragon
v59 vid2 box The Big Kahuna
v60 vid2 box Signs
v61 vid2 box Tomb Raider
v62 vid2 box The Talented Mr. Ripley cd1
v63 vid2 box The Talented Mr. Ripley cd2
v64 vid2 box Lilo and Stich
v65 vid2 box Passion of Christ
v66 vid2 box The Salton Sea
v67 vid2 box Life or Something Like It
v68 vid2 box The Nightmare before Christmas
v69 vid2 box Tigru si dragon
v70 vid2 box Starship Troopers
v71 vid2 box Rain Man
v72 vid2 box Four Rooms
v73 vid2 box Shawshank Redemption
v74 vid2 box The Eye
v75 vid2 box The Mists of Avalon cd1
v76 vid2 box The Mists of Avalon cd2
v77 vid2 box Man on the Moon
v78 vid2 box Clockstoppers
v79 vid2 box Blair Witch Project
v80 vid2 box Brazil cd1
v81 vid2 box Brazil cd2
v82 vid2 box Munchausen
v83 vid2 box Dancer in the dark cd1
v84 vid2 box Dancer in the dark cd2
v86 vid3 box Coyote Ugly
v85 vid3 box Le Peuple Migrateur
v87 vid3 box Y Tu Mama Tambien
v88 vid3 box Ghost dog
v89 vid3 box Eraserhead
v90 vid3 box Blow Up cd1 (arj);
Le charme discret de la burgeoisie cd2 (arj)
v91 vid3 box Blow Up cd2 (arj); The Million Dollar Hotel
v92 vid3 box Le charme discret de la burgeoisie cd1 (arj)
v93 vid3 box Run Lola Run
v94 vid3 box Atlantis
v95 vid3 box Gangs of New York cd1
v96 vid3 box Gangs of New York cd2
v97 vid3 box Hero
v98 vid3 box Dragonfly
v99 vid3 box Scooby Doo
v100 vid3 box The Virgin Suicides
v101 vid3 box City of Angels
v102 vid3 box The Cube
v103 vid3 box The Cube 2
v104 vid3 box Moulin Rouge cd1
v105 vid3 box Moulin Rouge cd2
v106 vid3 box Underground cd1
v107 vid3 box Underground cd2
v108 vid3 box Johny Q
v109 vid3 box The Graduate
v110 vid3 box Adaptation cd1
v111 vid3 box Adaptation cd2
v112 vid4 box Being John Malkovich
v113 vid4 box Braveheart
v114 vid4 box Minority Report cd1
v115 vid4 box Minority Report cd2
v116 vid4 box Ali G in the house
v117 vid4 box Mr Deeds
v118 vid4 box 40 Days and 40 Nights
v119 vid4 box Halloween Resurection
v120 vid4 box As Good As It Gets
v121 vid4 box Spiderman
v122 vid4 box City of the Lost Children
v123 vid4 box Revansa
v124 vid4 box BD la munte si la mare
v125 vid4 box Delicatessen
v126 vid4 box The Dreamers
v127 vid4 box Munje
v128 vid4 box Animatrix
v129 vid4 box Drowning by numbers
v130 vid4 box Johny English
v131 vid4 box The Curse of the Jade Scorpion
v132 vid4 box Trois Culeurs – Rouge
v133 vid4 box Solaris 2002
v134 vid4 box Reign of Fire
v135 vid4 box The Arrival
v136 vid4 box Battlefield Earth
v137 vid4 box Peter Pan
v138 vid5 box Valurile Dunarii cd1
v139 vid5 box Valurile Dunarii cd2
v140 vid5 box Operatiunea Monstrul
v141 vid5 box Senatorul melcilor
v142 vid5 box Collateral Damage
v143 vid5 box Antitrust
v144 vid5 box Serendipity
v145 vid5 box 13 Ghosts
v146 vid5 box Panic Room
v147 vid5 box Puricele
v148 vid5 box Flamenco
v149 vid5 box Time Machine
v150 vid5 box Mala Educacion
v151 vid5 box Something’s Gotta Give cd1
v152 vid5 box Something’s Gotta Give cd2
v153 vid5 box Whale Rider
v154 vid5 box Identity cd1
v155 vid5 box Identity cd2
v156 vid5 box Yamakasi
v157 vid5 box The girl next door
v158 vid5 box My Babby’s Daddy
v159 vid5 box Bourne Identity cd1
v160 vid5 box Bourne Identity cd2
v161 vid5 box Bourne Supremacy
v162 vid5 box Igby Goes Down
v163 vid6 box Warriors of Heaven and Earth cd1
v164 vid6 box Warriors of Heaven and Earth cd2
v165 vid6 box About a boy
v166 vid6 box Reconstruction
v167 vid6 box The 6th Sense
v168 vid6 box Ghost World
v169 vid6 box The Second Coming cd1
v170 vid6 box The Second Coming cd2
v171 vid6 box Spiderman 2
v172 vid6 box Todo sobre mi madre
v173 vid6 box Pi
v174 vid6 box Quills
v175 vid7 box Lost in Translation
v176 vid7 box Sideways cd1
v177 vid7 box Sideways cd2
v178 vid7 box Clerks
v179 vid7 box Matrix Reloaded cd1
v180 vid7 box Matrix Reloaded cd2
v181 vid7 box The Nest
v182 vid7 box The 25th Hour cd1
v183 vid7 box The 25th Hour cd2
v184 vid7 box Leaving Las Vegas
v185 vid7 box Dazed and confused
v186 vid7 box Morometii
v187 vid7 box What Dreams May Come
v188 vid7 box Raising Arizona
v189 vid7 box Lost Highway
v190 vid7 box Suspect Zero
v191 vid7 box The League cd1
v192 vid7 box The League cd2
v193 vid7 box Team America
v194 vid7 box Wag the dog
v195 vid7 box The Ring
v196 vid7 box The Ring 2
v197 vid7 box Equilibrium
v198 vid7 box Dobermann
v199 vid7 box Jeux d’enfants
v200 vid7 box Memento

ok, despre unele merita scris un review, ceva, o sa vedem ce se poate face…