Cristian Ducu
Please, visit my web-page at: -----Original Message-----
From: John Lippitt <J.A.Lippitt@HERTS.AC.UK> To: <> Date: 28 martie 2002 13:31 Subject: Soren Kierkegaard Society conference - 11 May 2002 With the generous support of
the Philosophy Department
University of Essex The Søren Kierkegaard Society of the United Kingdom One Day Conference on 'Kierkegaard and Modern European Thought' Saturday 11 May, 2002 University of Essex Programme RUDI VISKER (Louvain) 'KIERKEGAARD, ANXIETY AND CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY' REPLY ESPEN HAMMER (Essex) PIA SØLTOFT (Copenhagen) 'LOVE AND/OR ETHICS IN KIERKEGAARD AND LEVINAS' GENIA SCHOENBAUMSFELD (Southampton) 'SENSE AND INEFFABILIA: KIERKEGAARD AND WITTGENSTEIN ON NONSENSE AND PARADOX' PATRICK SHEIL (Author of Kierkegaard, Levinas and the Subjunctive Mood, Ashgate 2002) 'FORGIVENESS AND RESENTMENT: KIERKEGAARD, LEVINAS AND WEIL' Registration: 9.30 am; conference starts: 10.00 am Conference fee: £10.00 waged/£5.00 students; Free for members of the Kierkegaard Society and Essex Philosophy students. For registration details please contact: Barbara Crawshaw, Philosophy Department, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ. Email: Tel: 01206 872703 --
Dr John Lippitt Reader in Ethics and Philosophy of Religion Philosophy Group Department of Humanities University of Hertfordshire Watford Campus Aldenham Watford Herts WD2 8AT Tel: 44 (0) 1707 285682 Fax: 44 (0) 1707 285616 email: |